Wednesday, May 18, 2016

GSoC: Week 0

A little late post, but better late than never. So, Yay! My proposal got accepted for Google Summer of Code 2016 under Theano, a sub organisation of Python Software Foundation under the mentorship of  Frédéric Bastein and Pascal Lamblin!! 😄
 For those who are unaware of Theano, it is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It can use GPUs and perform efficient symbolic differentiation.
My work for this summer will be focussed on improvising large graph’s traversal, serialization of objects, moving computations to GPU, creating a new optimizer_excluding flag, speeding up the slow optimizing phase during compilation and faster cyclic detection in graphs. 
The entire proposal with timeline of deliverables could be viewed here[1].
As the community bonding period is nearing it's end, I was finally done with my end semester exams last week and it was a pretty hectic couple of weeks. I had started my work in the reverse order with respect to my proposal, with "Faster cyclic detection in graphs". The work on new algorithm for detecting cycles in graph has been drafted by Fred during last November. I have resumed over that and carried it from there until we hit a road block, where the graphs do not pass the consistency checks with the new algorithm. So, I have moved on to the next task, and will come back to this once Fred’s schedule eases and when he could help me with this more rigorously as the code complexity is a little high for my understanding level.
The next task (current) that I am working on is the optimization that move the computation to GPU. 
Stay tuned for more updates! 


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